Matt Ross 

Creative Technologist and Educator


p5.js, heroku, raspberry pi, dataplicity 

Synesthesia is an atmospheric, soft interface with an infrastructural core that allows no physical bodies inside but rather consumes them virtually. It is a manifestation of bodily data relationships abstracted and projected back to an analog domain. It promotes a multiplicitous idea of what it means to be human, to have agency, and creates a collective space that shifts the narrative of an agreed syntax of form to a spatial construct of a  performance of bodies.

As a Creative Technologist on the team, I was responsible for creating the live streaming infrastructure that allowed participants to interact with the Installation from a web browser.

More Info Can Be Found at

HotBed Gallery in Philadelphia, PA, from February 19th to March 6th
European Cultural Center Venice Biennial, from May 22nd to November 21st, 2021