Matt Ross 

Creative Technologist and Educator

Bombay Sapphire Sensory Auction 

Role : Creative Technologist / Touchdesigner Developer 
Technologies : Touchdesigner, Arduino, TOBI Eye Tracker, Emotiv EEG Headset 

Per Bombay Sapphires Websites 

“ Creativity is essential and we believe it should be accessible to everyone.The Sensory Auction challenges the way we place a perceived value on an artwork. It is the first auction where the winning bidder is the person whose senses most deeply connect with the piece, instead of the person with the most money. The more joy the artwork gives the senses of the viewer, the higher their bid. “

During the Fall of 2021 I was brought on to work with Volvox Labs to create the Sensory Auction experience.  As the TouchDesigner Developer for this project I integrated all of the sensor inputs used for the auction into a usable User Interface and developed the scoring algorithms to determine who had the strongest emotional response.  The full documentation video can be viewed here.